Get Case opening Plugin WordPress

Features :
1. Cost per box opened:
- Option to define a cost for opening a box.
2. Item management:
Ability to define the items to be won and their characteristics:
- Name
- Rarity (common, rare, very_rare, ultra_rare)
- Points
- Image URL
3. Display summary :
- Option to display a summary of the possible items to be won.
- Option to display item names in the summary.
- Option to display the rarity of items in the summary.
- Configurable image size in the summary.
4. Customisable interface:
- Customisable header image.
- Customisable transition image.
- Customisable button background colour
- Configurable button text colour.
- Configurable opening button text.
5. Customisable messages :
- Customisable win message.
- Customisable error message in the event of insufficient points.
- Personalised box opening winnings message.
- Message of points deducted for opening a customisable box.
6. Image size :
- Configurable image size.
7. Earnings message position:
- Ability to choose the position of the gain message (above or below the button).
8. Item orientation :
- Configurable item orientation (horizontal or vertical).
9. Prize text:
- Configurable prize text.